Millions of people around the world enjoy a nice, hot shower as part of their daily routine. Whether it’s after getting home from a long day or helping you wake from your sleep in the morning, a shower is relaxing and refreshing. But have you ever thought about the quality of the water that you’re showing in?

There are many chemicals and contaminants that could be present in your household water if you don’t use a home water filtration system. One of those chemicals is chlorine, a strong oxidising agent, which led to the development of commercial bleaches and disinfectants. Chlorine is also used as a common disinfectant in swimming pools to keep them clean and sanitary. In large doses, chlorine has been known to have severe effects on the human body, and although it is uncommon that the chemical is used in high concentration, even a small amount of chlorine can still attack our respiratory systems, eyes, and skin.


Could Chlorine Be Negatively Affecting My Health?

When you take a hot shower, the steam that fills up the bathroom has the potential to contain up to 40 times the amount of chlorine found in still tap water. How? This is because chlorine and other similar chemicals are known to vaporise at an accelerated rate compared to water. This can then lead to these chemicals entering into your body through your skin and lungs.

The steam from a hot shower causes the pores of your skin to open up. The presence of chlorine in the steam can then cause the skin to become dry and retract, which can affect existing skin conditions and cause reactions including itchiness, redness, soreness, and mild bumps. These reactions are often attributed to an array of different allergies; however, they could potentially be the symptoms of irritant contact dermatitis, a type of inflammation of the skin caused by chemicals or other naturally occurring elements. Chlorine not only enters the body through the skin, but it can also be inhaled into the lungs, and ingested. Inhalation can be the most severe form of exposure, because once the vaporised chlorine is inhaled, it has the potential to travel directly into the bloodstream.

What Can I Do About It?

If you’ve already installed a water filter for your drinking water, you’re on to a great start and can probably attest to the fresh, clean taste of drinking filtered water. Just like your drinking water, if your shower water has not been filtered using a quality water filter, chlorine and other chemicals and contaminants may still be present. To protect your family and to ensure that your shower water is the cleanest, purest water possible, please see below for our extensive range of filtration products for your shower. For more information or to sign up for our automated renewals service, please email us at [email protected] or give us a call on 1300 742 249 and one of our dedicated team members will be about to answer any questions.